Tuesday, December 31, 2019
5 Reasons It Pays to Get Help Applying for Jobs
5 Reasons It Pays to Get Help Applying for Jobs5 Reasons It Pays to Get Help Applying for JobsEvery job seeker would improve their chances of landing that dream job by using services like Find My Profession.There are 5 reasons why it pays to use this service.1. It saves time when you have aleidher set of eyes watching job boardsI Googled, I need a job, for this blog post and yielded a staggering 929,000,000 results However, many online job boards are content aggregate websites. They exist only to take content from another website and place it on their own. You need another set of eyes watching job boards to know the difference between legit job boards and content aggregate sites The one perfect job application you sent in today on an aggregate website could have gone to waste.Find My Profession applies to jobs online for you which saves you time. The time you save can be used for job applications asking you to construct a cover letter.Others will ask you to create an account on their business website to fill out a new job application form.2. Targeting yuronline resume for job boards and LinkedInThe old saying goes, A person who represents himself has a fool for a client. Hiring trends change more frequently throughout our careers than most people spend job seeking. On average a worker may change jobs 10 times before age 40. Todays workforce will see an average of 15 job changes before age 40. Hiring trends, however, change every year. Therefore, the resume that helped you nail down a great job 3 years ago may be out of date. It may not be friendly with thetechnology used by recruiters. The usage of format and keywords in resumes changes as well. Recruiters at Find My Profession are aware of changing trends in hiring.Job seekers discover what works on resumes when applying for jobs through job boards. They discover the importance of presentation of a resume on platforms such as LinkedIn.3. You have someone to discuss the sketchy side of online job applicationsLe ss than desirable hiring companies often use specific keywords out of context to garner more job applicants. Job applicants often discover after applying that the job description was misleading. Words like brand management can be used in job descriptions for street promotions. However, these jobs are completely different and require two different skill sets.For example, I saw a recent series of job postings on a popular job board under the job title, Customer Service Manager. After investigating, the jobs turned out to be for an independent telemarketing work from home and handing out food samples at a supermarket chain. The word manager is being used to describe people managing their own workloads, which is something we all do. We are not all managers, however. Words taken out of context can lead to hours of misleading job interviews for entry-level positions.Find My Profession applies to jobs having your best interest in mind. Prior to doing so, job seekers have discussions with F ind My Profession about what should go on a resume to avoid such situations. This requires discussions about what is happening on job boards. Websites like Glassdoor are useful for business reviews, but you contend with false reviews contributed by company employees.4. The opportunity to do A/B testing of resumesIn order to do A/B testing I have the followingMy resume from Find My Profession which I trust is getting out there. It is the representation of what I want out of my next job.My presentation of a resume which I use on my own.Resumes are subjected to personal recruiters opinion. I apply for jobs on my own and change up the presentation. By doing this, I discovered different parts of the world seemed more attracted to certain styles of resume presentations than others.Note Giving appropriate credit, the resume I worked on with Find My Profession has led to the most job interviews. In the process, I learned a move to a new city may be required for my career transition. The wes t coast of the United States may be my next land of opportunity5. The simplest reason why avoiding werbemail.Many online job postings ask you to share your personal information and email when applying. Sounds like a great job opportunity, but within minutes you are hounded with spam. You are offered services and online education programs. You just gave your information to a sales representative by mistake. It then becomes next to impossible to stop the spam and the Unsubscribe button is useless.This does not happen with Find My Profession. The more I talk with Find My Profession the more I learn about the differences between real job opportunities and spam job listings. Find My Profession is a human company.It is unfortunate that many websites pose as job boards and then spam you, but it does happen. It simply pays to know what you are looking at before you forfeit your personal information.In closingSearching for work online is a full-time job. The process involves rejection and ca n feel long and drawn out.It is important to keep human assistance in your life during a job hunt to combat the feelings that come with a full-time job of being rejected until you find your dream job. You receive reassurance that you are not in the job seeking game alone.After all, your success matters as much to you as it does to Find My Profession.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
3 life lessons from the making of this Hollywood blockbuster
3 life lessons from the making of this Hollywood blockbuster3 life lessons from the making of this Hollywood blockbusterThe 27-year-old director had a major problem in his hands.The star of his movie, Bruce, welcheshigh maintenance - even by Hollywood standards. Bruce was a mechanical shark, lovingly named after the directors lawyer. But the shark couldnt do the one thing he was built to do swim properly. On his first day on the set, he sank to the bottom of the water. Within a week, his electric motor malfunctioned. Even after a good day, Bruce had to be drained, scrubbed, and repainted to get ready for filming - requiring the schrift of pampering rarely expected by movie stars.The director then did what all directors wish they could do to an over-demanding and under-performing actor He fired the shark. I had no choice but to figure out how to tell the story without the shark, he explained. As he faced this major constraint, he asked himself, What would Hitchcock do in a situation like this? The answer gave him a stroke of inspiration that helped him convert a seemingly insurmountable obstacle into a blockbuster opportunity.Inthe opening sceneof the movie, Chrissy decides to go for a moonlight dip. As shes swimming along, shes suddenly pulled under water and yanked around, while gasping for breath and screaming for help. The focus is on Chrissy, and the villain is nowhere to be seen. The monster is left entirely to the imagination of the audience, which doesnt get a good look at the shark until the third act. This omission ultimately produced a constant state of anxiety in the audience, boosted by the ominous theme music (da-dum . . . da-dum . . . da-dum-da-dum-da-dum).The movie, as you probably guessed, wasJaws, and its director was a young Steven Spielberg.Jawsbecame the first movie ever to top $100 million at the box office.I love this story in part because it marries three different principles that Ive written about in the past.First, constraints like th e one that Spielberg faced are supposed to be detrimental to our work. How are you supposed to film a shark movie without the shark? But, asJawsillustrates,constraints can boost, rather than undermine, creativity. The opposite can also be true If Spielberg had a well-functioning shark to work with, the ingredient that made the movie most memorable would be missing.Second, when Spielberg was deciding what to do, he asked himself, What would Hitchcock do in a situation like this? Notice what he didnotdo. He didnt call Hitchcock to ask if old Alfredwould be willing to mentor him. He didnt say, Al, Ive got a broken shark. What do you think I should do? Spielberg had studied the masters of his field so carefully that he knew exactly what Hitchcock would do without having to pick up the phone. Spielbergs mentors were all around him - in the movies that lined the shelves of his film collection - and he knew how to open his eyes to channel their power.Finally, in hiding the shark from vie w for much of the movie, Spielberg applied a principle that many of us neglect What we dont see is scarier than what we do see.From a human perspective, not all facts are equal. We tend to incessantly focus on the facts in front of us andneglect other factsthat may be hidden in a blind spot. But contrary to popular wisdom, what you dont see or know can hurt you. In focusing on the facts in front of us, we dont focus enough - or at all - on the missing facts, which can be far more important than whats right in front of us. As the focal facts scream their 100-decibel sirens for attention, we neglect to ask, What am I not seeing? What fact should be present, but is not?Next time, before you jump to a confident conclusion, check your blind spot.Youll see sharks lurking there.Ozan Varol is a rocket scientist turned law professor and bestselling author.Click hereto download a free copy of his e-book, The Contrarian Handbook 8 Principles for Innovating Your Thinking. Along with your free e-book, youll get the Weekly Contrarian - a newsletter that challenges conventional wisdom and changes the way we look at the world (plus access to exclusive content for subscribers only).Thisarticlefirst appeared onOzanVarol.com.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
How Team Diversity can Boost Business Success Robert Half
How Team Diversity can Boost Business Success Robert HalfHow Team Diversity can Boost Business Success Robert HalfTeam diversity is often acknowledged as an important goal in building project groups. Diversity means difference. But isnt it counterintuitive to expect dissimilar individuals to perform with a single-minded purpose? Wouldnt a kollektiv composed of employees with comparable professional experiences and similar personalities function mora smoothly?As many experienced managers would attest, the answer is no.In fact, of the array of employment solutions that foster progress in the workplace, project diversity can be one of the strongest factors working in favor of business success. A team works best not when its members are identical, but when they are compatible, complementary and able to cooperate. Thats why a group of people who think and work alike may ultimately fail, while a dream team of disparate individuals might be extremely successful.In striving for team diversit y, most people envision a group of individuals who represent a blend of races, ethnicities or cultural backgrounds. Though important, this is just one approach to creating an eclectic team. Managers can build the best teams by seeking diversity in a broad array of areas.PersonalityOne secret to creating successful team diversity is to combine compatible personalities. A group composed entirely of Type-A superstars may become mired in power struggles, while a team of introverts might have a hard time choosing someone to lead the way. A more functional, harmonious group would include one or two leaders who can organize and direct the activities of the rest of the team. Other members would represent a variety of personalities - extroverts and introverts, deliberate planners and spontaneous do-ers, logical fact-finders, and perceptive thinkers who can connect the dots and synthesize information. Personality counts - and the right combination can make the teams efforts that much more s uccessful.Skills and experienceWhen a project requires the team approach, it means that no single individual possesses the breadth of skills and experience necessary to complete the task. Managers must identify which skills are required and what types of experience would be most beneficial, then assemble the appropriate players. Cross-departmental collaboration may be involved.As the group works together, its members will end up sharing valuable knowledge and best practices. Informal cross-training may take place as the teams technical guru presents a report on several different software options. Mentoring relationships may arise when a large team breaks into subgroups to handle interim tasks. At its best, the team will embody the principle that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And thats the greatest outcome of team diversity.FIND JOB CANDIDATESWork stylesFor optimum harmony and cooperation, managers should choose team members with complementary work styles. For examp le, hyper-focused, detail-oriented people balance out teammates who tend to have a more panoramic view of resources, deliverables, schedules and deadlines. In general, individuals are not identical in the way they approach tasks and responsibilities. The key thing - within the parameters of your own office culture - is to acknowledge that theres often more than one right way to tackle a job and to try to reach agreement on the best approach for each task.Individual positionsEven in a randomly selected group, people tend to assume specific roles that are consistent with their personalities, habits, training and skills. Thats why some people appear to be born leaders, while others are most comfortable in behind-the-scenes, supporting roles. While setting objectives and responsibilities, managers should take the time to identify each position on the team - leader, researcher, tech specialist, facilitator, resource coordinator, liaison with other work groups - and then choose those individuals who can best perform the duties of a given role.The managers key roleTeam diversity can clearly add strength. But its up to the manager who creates the team to make aya diversity leads to an invigorating environment that sparks innovation, creativity and fresh thinking rather than a hodgepodge of irreconcilable differences. By carefully composing teams of individuals who know how to play to each others strengths and compensate for one anothers shortcomings, managers will discover that team diversity not only enlivens the group, but is also a source of greater productivity and success. Tags
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Key to Self-Motivation and Employee Motivation
The Key to Self-Motivation and Employee MotivationThe Key to Self-Motivation and Employee MotivationThe Key to Self-Motivation and Employee Motivation Zoller and Kerry Preston, co-authors of Enhancing your Executive Edge How to Develop the Skills to Lead and Success (McGraw-Hill Education, 2014)Take a minute and think about the following questions.What motivates you?How do you motivate others?What sabotages your motivation?The major difference between self-motivation and motivating others is that you can do one but you cant do the other.With that being said, we all are self-motivated when we relate to what we are doing. So if you are trying to help motivate someone, framing your message so it is in the other persons best interest may be motivating to that person.If you look at how you motivate yourself, it most often varies at any given time. What makes you feel motivated one moment may not make you feel motivated the next.A friend who was researching and studying motivation told me (Kim) that it really boils down to the common denominators of feeling confident and knowing what youre doing and of being self-directed and knowing that what you are doing has relatedness in your world.Get your Daily Dose of MotivationA daily dose of motivation can really energize you. The key is knowing what drives you at any given time.In terms of tasks, it means taking time to identify what you really want to happen. This allows you to have a goal. Lets face it nothing is worse than feeling like you wasted time and didnt accomplish anything.Once you know what is driving you, it helps to know what purpose it serves in your life. Ask yourselfHow will this help me?How will this help others?How will this help the kollektiv?How will this help the company?How will this help the environment?If you want to have an edge, keep track of the purpose and the impact in a log. It really helps when you share data that have been documented over a long period of time.How to Motivate OthersWhen oth er people recognize the purpose and feel as though they have been involved in defining the purpose, they have a greater sense of buy-in and commitment. When do you allow others to reclarify what they see as the purpose of a project?So often when departments experience changes in process or people, it makes a huge impact to allow the people on the team to discuss what they see as the purpose. Value is also right behind purpose when it comes to feeling motivated.Every so often I (Kim) hit a wall at work. We all do. I recently felt like I was stuck in a rut and not excited about the content I was sharing. At the saatkorn time, others in the company were feeling the same tired feeling. We decided to make a change.We partnered with a graphic designer to help us create new learning maps for our training sessions. The entire team felt motivated to start using our new tools. It was a win-win for everyone involved.MakingMotivation a Consistent PracticeSeveral years ago, an article in Psychol ogy Today described what motivation is in clear and practical terms. The author described motivation as followsAn internal or external drive that prompts a person to actionThe ability to initiate and persist toward a chosen objectivePutting 100 percent of your time, effort, energy, and focus into your goal attainmentBeing able to pursue change in the face of obstacles, boredom, fatigue, stress, and the desire to do other thingsThe determination to resist ingrained and unhealthy patterns and habitsDoing everything you can to make the changes you want in your lifeWe are ultimately intrinsically motivated by three componentsKnowing where we fit our piece of the puzzleBeing competent in what we doBeing autonomous to some degreeDo the members of your team knowWhere they fit, or are they just told to do things?How to continue growing within their positions?When leading a company, having a pulse on employee motivationis key. Asking for feedback on what is fueling a project or person can b e a strong conversation starter.Take time to understand what strengths individuals feel they have and what contributions they have made in order to build motivation.From Enhancing your Executive Edge by Kim Zoller and Kerry Preston, excerpted with permission from Mc-Graw-Hill. Copyright 2014.Author BiosKim Zoller and Kerry Preston are the authors of Enhancing Your Executive Edge How to Develop the Skills to Lead and Succeed (McGraw Hill, 2014). They are partners at Image Dynamics, a professional development organization that collaborates with companies to develop their people and processes by providing results-oriented training solutions, customized training programs, advanced executive coaching, and long-term strategic development. Followthem at idimage.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
How to deal with Daylight Saving Time and what to look forward to
How to deal with Daylight Saving Time and what to look forward toHow to deal with Daylight Saving Time - and what to look forward toIts easy to have a love-hate relationship with Daylight Saving Time starting.On the one hand, you have to set your clock an hour ahead, losing precious time to sleep in, but on the other, it gets a lot easier to tell that spring will have sprung pretty soon because of the sunshine.With Floridas Sunshine Protection Actlegislation trying to make Daylight Saving time a year-round thing, heres what to keep in mind when you lose an hour this coming Sunday.Get to sleep at a decent hour on Sunday nightYep, thats right - because setting our clocks ahead one hour will result in one less hour of sleep for all of us.But dont overdo it if youre feeling super sleepy while on the road. Its better to take some time to regroup than to rush and potentially endanger yourself and others.Dont forget - there will be more sunlight during the dayThe sun might still be up w hen you head out of work, possibly leaving you with more energy to do things like hitting the gym and socialize after-hours.Since you wont have to deal with the early darkness that blankets the winter months, you should use this time to get into the mood for spring by eventually lightening up your wardrobe and shaking off the need to strictly hibernate at home once work is over for the day.Itll be easier to dream about spring when you head home.Reset the time on your appliances and devices on Saturday nightIf you dont, you might be a little confused about what time it really is when you wake up on Sunday morning.Daylight saving time officially starts at 2 a.m. Sunday, when clocks are pushed forward one hour to 3 a.m., NBC Los Angeles reports. When you go to bed on Saturday night, dont forget to turn your watches, alarms, and microwaves forward an hour. Electronic devices, like cellphones, by default, are set to automatically update the time as it changes.Doing it before its absolute ly necessary will save you time and effort.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Benefits of References in Resume
The Benefits of References in Resume When you are finished in locating the totally free samples, its actually time and energy to turn your individual. The overall guideline is to continue to keep your resume as brief as possible. A standard reference section includes a header that identifies the section. To clarify, you need to use brackets on resume. As soon as you have decided on who you need to have in your reference list you must receive their permission. You can give a list of references following your interview if its requested. Below youll discover a sample reference list. At times the terrible item on your professional reference list is an event of a misunderstanding or some sort of inaccurate details. The References section on your CV is a critical part which may leid be entirely omitted. Being a real notice, you will require the specific Sample Resume With References Included containing similar job requirement as what you will implement. Personal references are usually not advised. Formatting your resume references is a comparatively straightforward task. Job hunting is just one of the most exhausting responsibilities we must do. Its also wise to attempt to incorporate keywords which were used in the work description. Job references should not be included on a resume. You use your finest skills that are related to the job as subheadings. Following your interview, your references could be a crucial component on whether you get a job offer from a business. They are your personal evangeliststhey should know you very well and be able to speak about your qualifications for the job youre pursuing. After your interview, they could be a key component of whether you receive a job offer from a company. The references on resume has to be applicable to the job youre applying for. References form a critical portion of your job application. Listing a person for a reference without permission could be damaging to your job application. Each con tact in your professional network knows you a certain way and will have the ability to supply an account of your achievements and strengths for various jobs thus it is vital to customize the reference page based on the abilities and qualities youll need for each vacancy. As soon as its important to get people who can vouch for your abilities and abilities, offering a list of references right from the gate during work search isnt always the ideal policy. In other words, employing a Basic Driver Resume speeds up the practice of producing a winning resume and ensures that it is going to stick out in the application practice. Substitute a former supervisor for your present supervisor once your search is confidential. List an employer is thinking about hiring you, he might ask you to supply a resume of references. When youre looking for a new position, you wish to get a list of many names to contact. The variety of references you list depends upon your career level. Keeping a lis t of feasible references is something that ought to be carried out in advance, even if youre not searching for employment. You must be sure the people selected as references will lead to your job search. If a person pauses or seems to be uncomfortable at all, thank them and continue on to the upcoming possible reference. Choosing good references can occasionally be a challenge, and it might take a tiny planning to get the very best match. In that instance, its sufficient to list a single reference for all the various points in your professional record. More frequently than not, interpretation in the medical setting happens in a consecutive way you allow the speaker finish initially before you proceed with interpretation. Character references can show youre the sort of person employers are interested in finding. When an employer doesnt ask by the conclusion of the interview, you should ask them if theyd like reference info. Sometimes prospective employers will say how many and what sort of references they want.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Pandelis Tiliakos, Barrister
Pandelis Tiliakos, Barrister Pandelis Tiliakos BarristerPosted October 17, 2017, by Jenny Sakr Between the abundance of URGENT emails and dashes to the District Court, a 14-hour working day is not uncommon in Pandelis world as a sole trading barrister.How long have you been in law?Admitted as a Solicitor in October 2013 and in practice since.What did you study and what are the steps you took to be where you are today?Bachelor Law Commerce (International Business) at the University of New South Wales for five years. I followed this with a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law for six months. Obtained a distinction in the NSW Bar Examinations in June 2016. and completed the Bar Practice Course in May 2017. Finally, I became a barrister in June 2017.What did you want to be when you were younger?An archaeologistWhat was your first job?Deep frying chicken at KFCWhen did you first know you wanted to be in law?Probably around the age of 16 when I realised that I could g et paid for arguing with people.Explain a typical day at workI arrive at Second Floor Wentworth Chambers roughly 700 am. Sort through and respond to about 50 emails all with the subject line URGENT. Around 900 am, I take a call from my Clerk. Shell notify me that theres an URGENT application down at the District Court. Im handed a half page affidavit and given a 30 second rundown of what the matter is about. Ill then run down Elizabeth Street and head up to Level 16, John Maddison Tower. This is where the fun starts. For the next two or so hours, Ill be on my feet trying to do the very best that I can to get the orders sought by my instructing solicitors. After Ive successfully obtained the orders (on most occasions), Ill walk back down Elizabeth Street to Second Floor Wentworth Chambers responding to another 50 or so emails marked URGENT on the way. When I return to chambers, Ill send a reporting email to my instructing solicitors, enjoy my home cooked lunch in front of my c omputer and start working on all the advice work that has built up over the past 2 weeks. Around 700 pm, Ill start doing some further prep work for the hearing thats listed tomorrow morning. Around 830 pm, Ill receive a phone call from my partner who has presumed that Ive been kidnapped after not responding to her 20 or so SMS messages also marked URGENT. Around 900 pm, Ill head home on the train and play some Pokemon GO on the way.Name the best and worst parts of your jobBest Intellectual challenge Opportunity to help others Flexibility Worst Startup is stressful Long hoursWhats the most important career tip someone has given you?Be courageous. Be concise. Get to the point.What do you wish someone had told you before starting in this industry?The importance of getting as much experience as early as possible even if it means working on an unpaid basis.Name a career highlightRunning a final hearing in the Local Court of New South Wales with less than a day preparation.Whats ne xt for you?Hopefully become a successful barristerTell us about yourself outside the courtroom- I am a football tragic that can name almost every transfer in and out of the Greek Football League since 2002 - I collect Pokemon cards my holographic Charizard is to die for - I can do a backflip - Doubt any other barrister in New South Wales can beat me in FIFA17 open challengeConnect with Panedlis on the Webwww.thebarristersydney.com.au/ Facebookwww.facebook.com/TheBarristerSydney/ LinkedInwww.linkedin.com/in/pandelis-tiliakosThink a career in law is right for you? Explore our courses in law and make an enquiry todayLaw ResourcesLawyer sample resumeLawyer sample cover letterInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerBusiness ManagerAccountantManagement ConsultantFinancial BrokerPopular Career Searchesgraduate certificate in australian migration law and practice tafelaw degree online australiabest online law degree australiacriminal law courses onlinedegree in employment lawLaw C oursesBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJuris DoctorEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMaster of LawsEnquire Online Enquire Online Jenny SakrJenny found her way with words while interning during uni, since, shes produced articles on it all from hair and beauty to homewares, travel, career advice and study tips. On a weekend youre most likely to find her lining up for a table at the latest cafe or restaurant.Related ArticlesBrowse moraCAREER ADVICECAREER INSPIRATION6 Reasons Why You Should Study LawStudying law offers you the chance to develop a wide range of skills and explore different aspects of human life, businesses, and society. Here are a few more reasons why studying law in Australia is an excellent choice.LawLaw career fact sheetConsidering a career in law? Check out this fun fact sheet for everything you need to know about the industry, at a glance.WORKFORCE TRENDSLegal eagles find ways of riding out the recessionLike other industries, the legal profession has been significantly affected by the global financial crisis.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Ask Your Company to Treat Women Better - The Muse
How to Ask Your Company to Treat Women Better - The MuseHow to Ask Your Company to Treat Women BetterWhile asking your company to treat women better sounds great, its a bit mora complicated than that. After all, very few people would feel comfortable marching up to the CEOs door and saying, I demand equal pay. And very few CEOs would respond to that knock with an immediate, Of course, come in and let me fix our payroll now.But that doesnt mean youre stuck. Rather, it means that you have to approach this conversation correctly. And while each company is different, I recommend you abflug by setting up a meeting with HR or your manager. So, how do you departure that conversation? Well for starters, its crucial to acknowledge this fact The issues women struggle with and care about vary greatly. Therefore, you have to avoid making assumptions that categorize women into one big homogeneous group who will all benefit from the same policies, or making demands that might benefit you, but bedr ngnis be of utmost importance to others. Once you understand that, start with an email to the effect ofDear HR rep or manager,My name is Your Name, and Ive worked on the department kollektiv for length of time youve been at the company. Im very passionate about gender equality in the workplace, and Id love to ask you a few questions about the companys initiatives around diversity and inclusion. Can I schedule a meeting with you in the next couple of weeks to discuss?Then when you do get that meeting? Ask about the following 1. Ask About Equal PayStudies show that women are less likely to ask for more money when negotiating for a new job or a promotion. Over time, if not monitored, companies can find themselves in a situation in which men are unintentionally compensated better than women. Of course, just because its unintentional, doesnt mean its OK. To investigate the issue, ask if your employer conducts a compensation analysis regularly, and if so, if they would feel comfortable sh aring some of those learnings with the larger company (as well as discussing the plan for making adjustments, if theres an issue).This analysis should compare compensation across levels, functions, and demographics within your company as well as with market data to enaya women are receiving fair and equal pay. Another option is to ask the person who leads recruiting at your company if they do compensation benchmarking for the salary range set for a position before they start looking for candidates. If the company makes sure the budget set for the position is in line with the market before the jobs posted, it can reduce the likelihood that a woman hired into a role would be under-market as soon as she starts.2. Ask if Theyll Invest in Sexual Harassment TrainingPeople hear the term harassment and automatically think of very serious and litigious cases, but women can often face subtler forms of sexual harassment that make them feel both uncomfortable and scared. For example, things lik e a late-night text with a compliment and an invite to meet for a drink, the wink thats included in every new assignment email, or the kiss on the cheek your boss gives you when greeting you or handing you an award.Most of the time women stay quiet, endure it, and often just leave the company when they cant take it anymore.Thats not fair- and most companies would agree its not right. So, ask HR to invest in sexual harassment training. Even better, ask around if any of your friends at other companies have consultants theyve used for this type of training that they think have a modern and effective approach. Youll not only be helping your company save some time, but youll also show how serious you are about the topic while demonstrating that youre a partner in finding a solution.3. Ask How They Support Women With ChildrenMany women battle with the question of what to put first career or family. And often this is because theyre working in an environment that doesnt seem very supportive of parents. Ask your HR department how your company supports women who are planning to have children, who have recently returned to work, or who are established mothers. You can suggest things like (or even offer to help with) the followingOffering expecting mothers a guide for what to consider before going out on maternity leave and what to do when returning Providing paid maternity leave for all or part of six monthsCreating a return-to-work transition plan to help them gradually enter back into the workforce, ensuring there is a proper, legally compliant lactation room with a refrigeratorStarting a support group for new moms to meet, share stories, and swap resourcesEncouraging your company to offer a variety of times when company or team socializing happens (for example, if socializing only happens after6 PM, parents have fewer opportunities to build relationships with their team or boss)4. Ask That Managers Complete Inclusivity TrainingEncourage your company (or even just your department head) to build out manager training programs that outline the importance of creating inclusive team environments that are free of assumptions and biases.For example, some leaders assume mothers wouldnt want to be considered for a big assignment or a promotion, or that women who dont have children dont mind staying late in a meeting while they watch their colleague get dismissed to leave because they have to do school pick-up. These are certainly not true in many cases, and making these assumptions can be dangerous for womens advancement, not to mention overall team morale. Management training can help people become more aware of their unconscious biases.5. Ask for Equal Access to Career OpportunitiesFor various reasons, women can feel as if theyre not given the same important, high-profile assignments as their male counterparts, that theyre not given the leistungspunkt they deserve for the work they contributed to a group project, or that theyre not being tapped for the more senior role.As your company if theyve recognized this dynamic at play among their own workers and, if so, how theyre being proactive in fixing the situation. If theyre not, you might suggest things likeStarting a womens leadership network in your organization so women at all levels can support one another and share resourcesEncouraging your company to post jobs internally before externally to ensure interested employees have an opportunity to apply Asking leaders at the company to consider this question when they have opportunities to assign high-profile assignments Are there any talented women we havent given a chance to yet?In an ideal world, more companies would conduct surveysasking questions about real issues employees care about and tackle any serious issues inhibiting peoples comfort and satisfaction head on. However, that process is time consuming, and some companies simply dont have the resources to make that a priority.If thats the case, it could mean that if you take the initiative, you could start to make changes. While you cant ensure all women are paid the same as men, you can start support groups, help educate people on how things like bias works, and start these tough conversations so that if and when resources become available, the companys ready to go.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Study Women Supreme Court justices interrupted three times as often as men
Study Women Supreme Court justices interrupted three times as often as menStudy Women Supreme Court justices interrupted three times as often as menUnder the U.S. Constitution, we are equal inthe eyes of the law - but according to one study, men and women are not being treated equallyat the Supreme Court.We already know that women get interrupted mora often when theyre speaking. What we know now is that even powerful women - the most powerful women in America, arguably - experience the same thing.Looking at oral arguments over the past 12 years, two Northwestern University researchers found that the female justices were getting interrupted three times more than their male colleagues 32% of interruptions were of the female justices, and in2015, 65.9% of all interruptions on the court were aimed at its only women - Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor.An interesting side note Only 4% of interruptions were by the female justices.Why it matters that women ge t to speak full sentencesThese women arent shrinking violets theyre pioneering women who have achievedthe highest legal authority in America. In the history of the Supreme Court, there have only been four female justices on the bench three of them are there now.Interruptions matter for more than just manners.To make a case for higher pay or more responsibility, women have to be part of the conversation.Oral arguments are where outcomes to court cases get debated and decided. When a female justice gets cut off, she is less able to question advocates or convince her colleagues of her argument. This study proves thatinterpersonal relationshipsmatters just as much as institutional ones when it comes to organizational power, and on the bench, as in other workplaces, women have less of it.There are other examples of women in power getting interrupted. During the first presidential debate, DonaldTrump interrupted Hillary Clinton 51 times in one debate, while Clinton interrupted Trump 17 ti mes, according to Vox.When she would get interrupted, Clinton wouldnt stop, apologize, or ask for her rightful time. She smiled and kept speaking over the interruption.This turns out to be the best strategy, and there are several others that work well.How to stop interruptions a three-step plan1. Dont stop speaking or apologize for speaking. Just speak.When you know a man is going to interrupt you, women on the bench learned that theyneeded to cut straight to the point.The researchers found that to combat the interruptions, female justices like Elena Kagan would learn to stop framing their questions politely with, May I ask or an Excuse me.Even politelyaddressing the advocate by anthroponym was seen as an opportunity for someone else to cut a female justiceoff. So over time, the women adopted the aggressive arguing style of their male colleagues.But that doesnt mean that this behavior helps on its own. Justice Sonia Sotomayor uses a minimum amount of qualifying statements in her ora l arguments, but shes still getting interrupted the most by male advocates arguing before her.2. Get a sponsorOne of the best strategies is to have a boss - whether male or female - back up female employees. Glen Mazzarra, a showrunner for The Shield, got so sick of women on the writers team being shouted down that heimposed a rule that women writers cannot be interrupted.To change this workplace culture, it needs to be enforced and modeled from the top. The researchersrecommended that Chief Justice John Roberts needs toset an example to the public and to his colleagues by enforcing the rule that prohibits advocates from interrupting the justices.3. Have someone at your backEnlisting allies is crucial to end interruptions once and for all. Women in the Obama White House adopted a strategy of amplifying each others ideas so that they wouldnt get interrupted. This doesnt have to break up along gender lines good bosses who observe team dynamics or male peers can also be supportive al lies. The bottom line is that while every woman can handle herself, individual actions and skirmishes wont change the world. Making interruptions a source of social shame in the office is more likely to end them.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to beat procrastination and finish anything you start
How to beat procrastination and finish anything you startHow to beat procrastination and finish anything you startIn July 1830, a young twenty-eight-year-old named Victor Hugo, struggled with procrastination, andalmost gave up on writing his book.Hugo welches due to submit the book to his publisher by April 1829, but he missed the deadline- in fact, he hadnt written a single word. And as a result of this, Hugos publisher threatened to pursue legal actions against him. 1After much pleading and negotiations, Hugos publisher agreed to extend the deadline till December 1830. But once again, Hugo procrastinated on writing the book and missed the second deadline.This time, Hugos publisher had had enough and gave Hugo an ultimatum if the book wasnt submitted in five months, Hugo would pay a fine of 1,000 francs for each week it was late (the equivalent of 13,000 dollars today). 2Hugo knew he had to do something drastic and figure out a way to beat procrastination, and finish writing the boo k.Heres what he did next.You are under House ArrestShortly afterwards, Hugo bought a grey woolen body-stocking that covered his body from head to toe, a new bottle of ink, and locked his clothes in the wardrobe to prevent himself from leaving the house.According to Hugos wife, Adele Hugo He entered his novel as if it were a prison. 3Each day, from dusk till dawn, Hugo would write his book, and only leave his working desk to eat, sleep, or read the drafts of the book to his friends, for an hour after supper. 4In short, Hugo self-imposed a house arrest. And after a few months, his strategy finally paid off.On the 14th of January, 1831, Hugo finished writing the book- weeks before the deadline- and named itThe Hunchback of Notre-Dame(French for Notre-Dame de Paris).Within the first 18 months of the books publication, it sold three thousand copies- a lot for the early 1830s- and today it is widely regarded as one of thegreatest books ever written. 5But Hugo couldnt have overcome procras tination and finish writing his best-selling book without using a special strategy.This strategy is called thehouse arrest strategy,and hereshow you can also use it to beat procrastination and finish anything you start today.How to beat procrastination using the House Arrest StrategyHere are three simple steps to use thehouse arrest strategyto beat procrastination.Step 1 Write down a deadline in the near future.Deadlines are one of thefive things to doto overcome procrastination and follow through on your plans.A good deadline is short enough to force you to take immediate action and long enough to finish the task at hand.In Hugos scenario, the publishers five month deadline forced him to get started on writing his book.Step 2 Create negative consequences for inactionThe next step is to usestakesor negative consequence, to punish yourself if you fail to meet the deadline.For example, Hugos negative consequence for failure to meet his publishers deadline was a fine of 1,000 franc per week of delay.Step 3 Design your desired future actionThe final step is to put something in place today that will lock in your actions tomorrow- this is what psychologist call commitment devices. 6Examples include buying small plates to avoid overeating, locking away credit cards to avoid getting into debt and paying upfront for exercise classes.Hugos commitment device was locking away his formal clothes and buying a bottle of ink to start writing his book, and prevent himself from leaving the house.Personally, Ive also used commitment devices to stick to my writing habits.On May 2017, I announced to the public that Id write and publish an article each week, and aside from two short sabbatical, Ive written at least onearticleevery single week since then. This is just another example of the power ofdesigning your environment.The best way to get started with commitment devices is to announce your plans to the public- friends, family and colleagues- and keep them updated on your progr ess on a weekly basis. This way youll be held accountable to finish anything you start.Motivation isnt enoughJust like Hugo- prior to writing his book- we tend to rely solely on motivation and willpower to beat procrastination, but this often leads to failure to meet deadlines and follow through on our plans.A better way to beat procrastination is to use thehouse arrest strategyin three simple steps write down a deadline, create negative consequences for inaction and design your desired future action.And just like Hugo, youll finally break the curse of procrastination thats been unternehmensverbund you back from your achieving your potential.Mayo Oshin writes atMayoOshin.Com, where he shares the best practical ideas based on proven science and the habits of highly successful people for stress-free productivity and improved mental performance. To get these strategies to stop procrastinating, get more things by doing less and improve your focus,join his free weekly newsletter.A versio n of thisarticleoriginally appeared atmayooshin.comasVictor Hugos House Arrest Strategy How to Beat Procrastination and Finish Anything You Start.FootnotesBarbour, Alfred. Victor Hugo and His Times (1883)Thefranc was in the Latin MonetaryUnion, which used the gold standard around 1873. At the time, the franc was the equivalent to 0.2903225 grams of gold. Thats the equivalent to 0.0102408248 ounces.Todays price of gold is approximately $1240 per ounce, which leads to one franc (in 1830) being worth about $12.70 today.Hugo, V. (1978). Notre-Dame of Paris. (Trans. J. Sturrock)Hugo, Adele. Victor Hugo A life Related by One Who Has Witnessed It (1863)Victor Hugo by Graham RobbGharad Bryan, Dean Karlan, and Scott Nelson, Commitment Devices, Annual Review of Economics 2, no. 1 (2010), doi10.1146/annurev.economics.102308.124324.
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